Canada RO Nomination + Working Holiday

Age 18-35
Visa Length 12 ou 24 mois
Cost $1,400.00


You've been selected to move forward with SWAP's RO Nomination + Working Holiday program. This registration is exclusive to those who have personally received an email invite from SWAP to participate in this program.

Your invitation is valid as long as there is stock available. If this page says "sold out", then we're afraid you've missed your opportunity to apply with us this year.

NOTE: This invite is non-transferrable. If you have not received this payment link in an email directly from SWAP, please do not move forward with payment. All refunds will be subject to a 25% administration fee, as per our Refund Policy.

Prix habituel $1,400.00
Prix habituel Prix promotionnel $1,400.00
En vente


What are the conditions of an RO visa? Is it the same as a regular working holiday visa?

Yes! If you apply under our RO Nomination + Working Holiday program, you are applying for a regular Working Holiday visa, you're just obtaining it a different way than when you apply on your own. You will receive an open work permit for Canada that allows you to work in any province or territory for any employer in nearly any position.

The application process is also mostly the same, with a few differences, all of which are laid out in our instruction guide. The length of time you will receive on your visa is still tied to your nationality, as listed on the IEC website.

My country isn’t listed on the IEC website. Can I still participate?

Unfortunately, no. With the exception of United States citizens, we can only help those with a passport from one of the countries listed here

Do I need to pay or provide documentation to join the waitlist?

No. Joining the waitlist is completely free, and you are not obligated to participate in the program simply by joining the waitlist. No documents are required at this stage, but you will need to provide some information about your circumstances. You can join the wiatlist starting December 1 by clicking the button above under How to Apply!

Can I apply for the visa from within Canada or do I need to apply from my home country?

You can apply for an IEC visa from anywhere in the world, including Canada. If you choose to remain in Canada during processing, you must always have valid status while you're here.

If you’re currently on an IEC visa that is expiring soon, submitting an application for a new IEC visa does not afford you maintained/implied status, and IEC visas are non-extendable. If you wish to remain in Canada after your visa expires and remain eligible for this program, you must apply for a visitor visa.

If I apply from within Canada and my current work permit expires before this visa is approved, can I continue working under maintained status?

International Experience Canada (IEC) applications are not eligible for maintained status. This means you must apply for another type of status to remain in Canada during processing, such as a visitor visa. If you remain in Canada without valid status, you risk not being able to activate your new visa.

My visa is expiring soon. How long will it take me to obtain an RO visa?

First of all, selection for the program is not guaranteed as visa spaces are highly limited. Timing also depends on where you end up on our waitlist, when IEC opens the pools, and how quickly we process applications.

If you are selected for the program, IEC processing of fully submitted visa applications can take up to 56 business days. While it can certainly be processed quicker than that, it’s never a guarantee. We recommend everyone anticipate the longest possible processing time, to be safe!

IRCC just added new visa spaces to my country’s quota. Can I access one of these spaces through the SWAP RO program?

The quota for each country listed on the IEC website is completely separate from SWAP’s quota for RO Nominations. If you see additional spaces added under your country, this does not mean that SWAP has more spaces to offer your nationality. 

Once my visa is approved, do I have to come to Canada right away, or at a certain time?

As with the regular IEC Working Holiday visa, you will have 12 months from the date of your visa approval to arrive in Canada and activate your work permit. You are not required to enter the country at any particular time of year. If you are currently in Canada with valid status, you can wait until you approach the expiry date of that status before activating this new visa.

It says the visa is valid for 12 or 24 months. Do I get to choose?

Visa length is determined by your nationality, as with any other IEC participation. To find out how long your nationality is eligible for, please visit the IEC website.

If I obtain a visa through your program, am I able to sponsor my common-law partner or spouse as part of my application?

As mentioned on the IEC website here, your dependents (partner, children, family members, etc) cannot come to Canada with you under the IEC program. They will need to apply separately for their own status in Canada.

Unfortunately, SWAP cannot advise on immigration programs outside IEC, so you will need to consult a licensed immigration professional for more information on your specific situation.

I've already participated in an RO program before. Can I participate again?

Yes! You can obtain a total of two (2) RO nominations in your lifetime, as long as you are of eligible age and nationality. These can be used for either the Working Holiday or Young Professional program (or a combination). You can find more details here.
